Why did we decide to include home-free retirees world travel tips?

The Golden Temple Amritsar, India
The Golden Temple Amritsar, India, is seen through a decorative archway on the religious grounds of the historic Sikh location. Please click here to see more photos from Amritsar.

Note: This post is the second of the 2000 word posts required for SEO. Some of the verbiages may sound repetitive. We’ll be back to our usual post tomorrow. Only three more of these to go. Thanks for your patience. Feel free to read.

As Tom’s retirement was fast approaching and we’d made the outrageous decision to travel full-time, we searched online for travel tips that possibly could point us in the right direction, especially those applying to retirees. When many young people travel the world, even with children, they often stay in hostels, camp, rent or buy campers or caravans, and live very different lifestyles than we were seeking.

At that time in 2012, considerably fewer retirees had “given it all up” to do what we’d chosen to do, travel the world for years to come with minimal possessions with us, no storage facility anywhere in our home state or country, and find a way to make it work being home-free. We considered no condo, apartment, or studio-type living quarters as a base to return to should we so desire. We chose to make the “BIG commitment,” and for us, that only came when we sold everything we owned, leaving us little opportunity to change our minds if something went wrong, especially in the early days. Always a part of our mission was to include home-free retirees’ world travel tips.

Our friends and relatives bombarded us with suggestions and travel tips amid a plethora of travel warnings on all the potentially horrible situations we could encounter along the way, some even life-threatening. We chose not to take heed of their warnings when instead, we chose to research on our own.

Searching online was little help. We found countless travel tips from travelers who’d been “out there” on their own, as a couple of a family of three or more. But, few were retirees, and most had a place to call home to return to for a break or respite. Of course, today, eight years later, we’ve encountered other retirees, home-free and traveling the world. But after a fashion, most acquiesced and returned to their home country, recovered their belongings from storage, and began again. Not us. As retirees, we wanted to do it differently to truly experience the challenges and benefits of living life on the move, with no safety net.

What are the potential challenges facing home-free retirees’ world travel tips?…

The most frequent travel tip/question most travelers tossed our way revolved around these two topics:

1. What will you do if one of you becomes very ill when retirees are more likely to encounter health problems due to an advanced age?
2. What will you do if something goes wrong or you tire of traveling?

In the first over six years of our home-free world travel lifestyle, neither of these potential issues had any impact on our lives. As retirees, we were healthy, fit, and relatively active. We’d had extensive medical tests before we embarked on our journey, all required dental work completed. As we traveled the world, we each had basic health checks, blood tests, and dental appointments every few years. All was well until…

The “worse case” scenarios transpired…

While living in a holiday home in the bush in South Africa, in February 2019, I had to have emergency triple cardiac bypass surgery, which resulted in four total surgeries (due to complications) and over the US $150,000 in medical expenses, which our then international health insurance company refused to pay, claiming I had a preexisting condition (I had no idea).

The question many other retirees had asked, “Should such an event occur, what would you possibly do?” Would being home-free prevent us from quality medical care and a place to recover after such a frightening event? It did not. We extended our rental period for the holiday home or would have moved to another while I recovered.

At the time, many home-free retirees’ world travel tips came our way with suggestions for us to return to the US, but that tip was preposterous. I couldn’t travel on an airplane for at least three months. We stayed in the wonderful bush house while I recovered sufficiently to again begin our world travel journey. Nothing was holding us back. We continued for three months in an oceanfront house in Connemara, Ireland, as my recovery continued.

The second question above asks, “What will we do if something goes wrong or you tire of traveling?

Tom and I made a pact when we began traveling the world as home-free retirees. If either of us ever became tired or bored with traveling the world, we would stop. Even amid the challenges facing us these past few years, neither has suggested ending our journey to the other.

Another huge challenge that tested our durability and commitment as home-free retirees was the pandemic that hit the world in January and February 2020. At the time, we’d just completed a weeklong tour on the renowned Maharajas Express Train from Mumbai to Delhi. After the train, we embarked on a 55-night tour of India, which we had to cut short when COVID-19 presented us with a considerable risk of continuing. Most temples and tourist sites were packed with people, often crowding in small spaces. More, we considered home-free retirees’ world travel tips from other readers with similar experiences.

We decided the risk of being at crowded venues was too high and started self-isolation on or about March 12, 2020, when we were notified that our upcoming cruise on April 3, 2020, had been canceled due to the COVID-19. As of this writing, we have officially been in India’s government-mandated lockdown, which began on March 24, 2020, for a full six months. More and more of our readers write to us each day with tips and suggestions as to what we should do at this point. But, our particular circumstances and home-free lifestyle have guided us as to what works well for us.

Considering home-free retirees’ world travel tips weren’t a factor in preventing us from heading back to the US to hunker down in lockdown. Where would we stay? Ultimately, we decided to stay put in a lovely Marriott hotel until we could continue our travels. At this point, the pandemic has reached such proportions in the US, we have no desire or plan to return. Also, it would not be easy to decide where to stay without a home while we waited it out. We’ve been safe in this hotel, although India has been a hard hit as well. Only time will tell when we can continue.

We’ve received hundreds of tips geared toward our home-free status as to what we should do during this period. We’ve appreciated all the tips, suggestions, and updates sent by readers, family, and friends. Most of the retiree’s circumstances are very different from ours, and what they would choose to do in these circumstances may differ from our choices.

What do we do as home-free retirees if the lockdown/pandemic continues for more months to come?…

We are safe. This hotel has exercised diligent efforts to avoid a single case of COVID-19 since we arrived. All staff is required to wear face masks and gloves. All staff members live within the walls of the hotel. No one is allowed to clean our room or serve our meals via room service unless they’ve been living here for a minimum of three weeks. We are confined to the fourth floor except for those few times we’ll head downstairs to the reception desk to pay our bill. We haven’t been outdoors in six months.

But, when we think of retirees living in a retirement community, they most likely haven’t been outdoors much either. Perhaps, our situation isn’t so unique after all. We’re safe. We have everything we need. We’re relatively comfortable. We miss socializing and often think of how enjoyable it would be to get together with other retirees and commiserate over this challenging situation.

At most, the staff and any other guests appear to be mostly in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. But, it seems, as retirees, we’re the oldest people in the entire hotel. Every few days, we receive tips in our email with movies and TV series, we should binge-watch, and games we should play to alleviate the boredom we’re experiencing now. We take many of these tips to heart and find ourselves streaming many fun new series suggested by our readers. This means a lot to us.

How are we emotionally impacted by home-free living?…

Often, we’re asked, don’t you feel lost without “roots?” Our answer is simple from an adage, “Home is where the heart is.” And, although our hearts are filled with love for family and friends back in the US, as a couple, we have made anywhere we may be living, at any given time, our “home.” That premise prevents us from ever feeling lost and lonely in a home-free lifestyle.

Most home-free retirees’ world travel tips include comments from those who spent their lives and careers in Minnesota, often leaving to spend their retirement in warmer climates. In most cases, they’ll purchase or rent a condo, house, or apartment in such states as Arizona, Florida, Texas, or Hawaii. Often, they’ll keep their original home and deal with the maintenance of having two homes. This didn’t appeal to us at all.

Instead, as retirees, we chose to be home-free; no apartment somewhere; no bedroom in one of our adult kids’ homes with a closet full of clothes; no lease on a storage facility as a safety net to enable us to “set up housekeeping” once again. This was it, just the two of us and our luggage, the size of which has significantly diminished over the years.

In the beginning, Christmas was a time we had to make adjustments. We’d no longer have a Christmas tree, nor did we have decorations or a need to bake endless cookies and baked goods. We no longer sent Christmas cards and gifts instead of mailing gift cards to our grandchildren. This commitment required a lot of emotional changes experienced by many retirees who become ex-pats and world travelers.

The most challenging time we’ve experienced has been during my recovery from open-heart surgery and now, six months in lockdown in a single hotel room. But, somehow, these two home-free retirees have managed to maintain emotional strength and resilience in the knowledge that in time, we’ll be on the move again.

Will we ever settle down?…

This question has been asked of us over and over again. And, the reality is, we’ll have to at some point. With advancing age and potential health conditions, we may need to return to the US and find a place to live. Does this worry us? Not at this point. We’ve survived so much, we both feel confident that when the time comes, as has been the case in every other situation, we’ll figure it out.

Home-free retirees’ world travel tips often include ways to figure out significant life changes at some point or another. We are no exception. The fact we’ll have lived a home-free existence for so many years makes those decisions only a little more complicated, mainly revolving around: Where will we choose to live?

We’ve considered the possibility of staying in holiday homes in several parts of the US for three to six months, giving us a further opportunity to see more of our own country in our waning years. There’s also the possibility that we may find a country besides the USA where we’d like to live as retirees in the next few years, again with the principle of renting various, fully-equipped holiday/vacation homes.

In conclusion…

A home-free lifestyle is not for everyone, whether a young person was starting their lives, a young family, couple, or retiree. We each have our unique desires and emotional needs when it comes to our chosen lifestyle. If and when we have a need and a desire to be “rooted” to one location, we’ll do so.

World travel is not on everyone’s radar or in their dreams of what will ultimately be fulfilled and purpose-driven. We never knew we had a plan to travel the world as retirees, living a home-free lifestyle. It came upon us in a happenstance manner described in our first few posts and many more to go over the years.

As we’re fast approaching our eighth anniversary since we became home-free on October 31, 2012, we have no regrets from the most exciting adventures to this most recent mundane period, spending over six months in lockdown in Mumbai, India.

We’re hopeful for the future that we’ll be able to continue on our home-free journey to see the world in time. In the interim, we’ll continue to offer home-free retirees world travel tips as well as hearing from other world travelers. The world is a prominent place. We all have much more to see and to say.. Stay with us, dear reader. There’s more to come.

Photo from one year ago today, September 23, 2019:

Pond Cottage, in Witheridge, Devon, UK
The pond next to our house, Pond Cottage, in Witheridge, Devon, UK,  with a few ducks and geese. For more photos, please click here.

Early morning routine…Life of retirees…More photos from cultural coffee farm tour…

Tom was holding the broom (escoba) made of vegetation at El Toledo Coffee Tour.

“Sightings from the Veranda in Costa Rica”

Layers of clouds rolling into the valley.

As candid as we are regarding how we live our daily lives, we’re also curious about how other retirees may spend their time. Is it so unusual it’s Tuesday at 8:00 am, and we’re sitting in the screening room while Tom is watching last night’s Minnesota Vikings game while I busily peck away at my laptop?

The items throughout the cafe each had their own story to tell.

Probably not. We haven’t spent any of our retirement years living near friends and family, which would give us a better perspective of what other retirees may be doing in their spare time, as compared to us.

The El Toledo Coffee Farm’s coffee is nicely packaged.

It’s not a desire to emulate the activities of others. More so, it’s simple curiosity, the same curiosity bringing some of you back, again and again, to see “what we’re up to” from one day to the next.

An old-fashioned cart.

A significant difference for us, besides living in a new country every few months, is the reality of living without a car at specific points, often without easy access to public transportation. It’s the price we pay for choosing to live in more remote locations.

Every corner of the area was filled with family treasures.

Many world travelers with whom we’ve communicated chose to live in apartments and condos in big cities, heading out each day for sightseeing, dining, and tours. 

Gabriel was educating us while we sat at the long table.  We were entranced by his manner of speaking and expertise.

The big city life is far removed from our reality, except on occasions such as our upcoming one-month stay in Buenos Aires beginning on December 23rd (Tom’s birthday). Indeed during those 31 days, we’ll be dining out (no kitchen), using public transportation for tours and sightseeing, and getting out of the hotel room each day to wander about.

Handmade wood boat.

Even us, who don’t mind staying in, don’t enjoy sitting in a hotel room all day and night.  This period will give us an excellent opportunity to get out walking, something we’ve missed here in the villa in Atenas. The hills are too steep to navigate for an enjoyable leisurely walk.

The coffee cafe, with its cultural decor, was fascinating.

Luckily, in the weeks we’ve had a car (every other at this point), we’ve chosen various types of sightseeing, all of which have required extensive walking. Although these “hikes” aren’t frequent enough to build the level of fitness we’d like to restore, at least these tours, thus far, have kept us on the move.

The clutter was oddly appealing.

As for a day like today…once the football game ends and I’ve uploaded the post, most likely, we’ll spend time out by the pool. The past three days have been cloudy and rainy by the time I’ve finished the post. We’re both anxious to get our token 20 to 30 minutes of sun time and spend time in the pool. Rain or shine, we spend the better part of each day on the veranda with the roof protecting us from the rain.

Once we embarked on the tour, we entered this working area.

We discuss our dreams for the future during those pool times, where we’d like to go after revisiting the US in 2019. At this point, we’re tossing around some ideas, considering which countries we’ve yet to visit and those we long to see.

Gabriel was explaining the use of the space.

Our typical day-to-day lives may not be too different than yours, except for a few factors; we don’t do any household repairs and maintenance; we don’t do yard work, and we don’t go to Home Depot. 

Wine-making area.

We don’t “jump in the car” to drive short distances to visit with friends and family; we rarely go to the doctor; we don’t go to Costco for a fun shopping trip loading up large quantities of food and supplies; we don’t head over the Walgreen’s or CVS for a few items, using these little rewards cards for discounts hanging on our keyring.

Drying racks for the coffee beans.

Then again, most peculiarly…we don’t have a keyring! How odd is that?

Have a pleasant day!

Photo from one year ago today, September 12, 2016:

When we watched this activity on the river, we had no idea what was transpiring until we saw they were cleaning the carcass of a cow in the river. Yikes! For more photos, please click here.

Shocking event in the cruise business…Frustration for travelers..

The view from our condo in Vancouver before we sailed to Hawaii.

Traveling is a tricky business. We are subject to changes, cancellations, and longer-than-expected waiting periods, often at our own expense, due to situations entirely beyond our control. The following story popped up today that clearly illustrates one of those frustrations, in this case, for a more extended period than usual.

From this site:

Passengers bought berths on a 3-year cruise. Months later, the ship is still stuck in Belfast.


BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) — Lanette Canen and Johan Bodin gave up life on land to become seaborne nomads on a years-long cruise.

Months later, the couple has yet to spend a night at sea. Their ship, the Odyssey, is stuck in Belfast undergoing repair work that has postponed its scheduled May departure for a 3½-year round-the-world voyage.

Bodin said Friday that they have enjoyed their pit stop in the Northern Ireland capital, but “when we’d visited every pub and tried and every fish and chips place and listened to all the places that have Irish music, then we were ready to go elsewhere.”

“We’re ready to set sail, for sure,” added Canen.

Villa Vie Residences’ Odyssey is the latest venture in the tempest-tossed world of continuous cruising.

It allows travelers to buy a cabin and live at sea on a ship circumnavigating the globe. On its maiden voyage, it will visit 425 ports in 147 countries on seven continents. Cabins – billed as “villas” — start at $99,999, plus a monthly fee, for the vessel’s operational life, at least 15 years. Passengers can also sign up for voyage segments lasting weeks or months.

Marketing material, aimed at adventurous retirees and restless digital nomads, touts “the incredible opportunity to own a home on a floating paradise,” complete with a gym, spa, putting green, entertainment facilities, a business center, and an “experiential culinary center.”

But first, the Odyssey has to get out of the dock. It’s now at Belfast’s Harland & Wolff shipyard, where the doomed RMS Titanic was built over a century ago.

Villa Vie Residences’ marketing manager, Sebastian Stokkendal, said the company had been “humbled by the scale of what it takes to reactivate a 30-year-old vessel from a four-year layup.”

He said that the ship was almost ready to depart after work on the rudder shafts, steel work, and engine overhauls.”

Calling itself the first perpetual world cruise, Odyssey has a busy 425-port itinerary across 147 countries through 2028. Its cabins, renamed “villas” by Florida-based Villa Vie Residences, start at $99,999 and run to $899,000, with monthly fees that vary according to the cabin type and number of occupants. Non-resident passengers can also sign up for segments that last weeks or months.

As of today, the Odyssey has yet to set sail. We can only imagine the frustration of the waiting passengers who have upended their lives for this extended journey.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 22, 2014:

A lonely-looking boxer was waiting outside the restaurant for his family, where we dined on our final night in Vancouver. For more photos, please click here.

Part 2…Pros and cons of living on a cruise ship…What can it cost?..

We were at a ship’s Celebrity Solstice cocktail party, which featured free drinks and appetizers and was held for priority club members only.

We hear many stories about retirees living on cruise ships, as opposed to the costs of living in various retirement communities and facilities. Not only do they find the cruising lifestyle more affordable with its many amenities, but they also love the novelty of continually sailing worldwide.

Living on a cruise ship in retirement has become an enticing option for some, combining the luxury of travel with practical living costs. The overall expense varies based on the type of cruise, accommodations, duration, and included amenities. Here’s a breakdown of the main costs:

1. Cruise Fares

The cost of living on a cruise ship can range from about $2,000 to $10,000 per month or more, depending on the ship and cabin type:

  • Budget-friendly cruises cost around $2,000–$4,000 monthly or more and usually offer an interior cabin on a standard ship. They include basic amenities but might lack the perks of more expensive options.
  • Luxury cruises: Suites or rooms with balconies on upscale ships can cost $8,000–$10,000+ per month or more.

2. Inclusions

Cruise fares often include a lot of everyday living expenses, which can make the overall cost comparable to, or sometimes less than, living on land:

  • Meals: Most meals in various dining venues are included, with specialty restaurants sometimes costing extra.
  • Entertainment: Onboard activities, shows, fitness centers, and lectures are typically included.
  • Housekeeping and maintenance: The package includes regular cabin cleaning, laundry, and property maintenance.

3. Medical Expenses

Many ships offer onboard medical facilities for basic healthcare needs, but retirees may need comprehensive travel health insurance to cover more serious medical expenses. Insurance prices depend on age and health, typically ranging from $200 to $500+ per month.

4. Gratuities and Tips

Cruise lines often have automatic gratuities, typically adding $15 to $30 or more per person added daily to your bill. This is for crew service in dining rooms, housekeeping, and other areas.

5. Excursions and Activities

Shore excursions, special events, and premium services are an extra expense. Depending on how often you venture out, these can add $50 to $500 per excursion.

6. Internet and Communication

Wi-Fi on ships is often expensive and can range from $150 to $600 monthly. Some long-term or luxury cruises may include it in their package.

7. Taxes and Port Fees

These fees depend on the cruise itinerary and are typically $100–$500 per month, depending on how frequently the ship docks.

8. Discounts for Long-Term Stays

Retirees can benefit from discounts if they book extended stays or back-to-back cruises, significantly reducing the overall cost. Some cruise lines also offer packages for retirees, making a full-time living on a cruise more affordable.

9. Comparison to Traditional Living

If you compare the cost of living on a cruise to traditional retirement living (especially in high-cost areas), the cruise can sometimes offer savings:

  • Retirement community: Monthly fees, housing, utilities, meals, and activities in senior living communities can easily cost $5,000–$8,000 per month.
  • On a cruise, many of these expenses are bundled into a more predictable price, plus you get the added benefit of constant travel.

Living on a cruise ship in retirement offers a unique and adventurous lifestyle, with relatively predictable expenses and the chance to explore new places daily. It can be an ideal setup for someone looking for a travel-focused, maintenance-free lifestyle.

This lifestyle is not for us. As mentioned in post Part 1 two days ago, we love the novelty of cruising. But doing so permanently would diminish the uniqueness of cruising and eventually become mundane.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, September 29, 2014:

A flower we spotted on our rainy walk to the grocery store in Vancouver. For more photos, please click here.

Going downhill…A harsh reality…

Exquisite needlepoint done by Gina’s mother in Madeira.

Since my heart event last week, it’s been evident to me that my ability to walk and strength is deteriorating. At this point, I can’t convince Tom to attend his family functions, leaving me behind. There’s such a gathering tomorrow, but regardless of what I say, he won’t leave me alone.

There is a barbecue at Mary’s house on Thursday evening. I hope to be able to go to Billy’s on Friday night; I don’t feel I can be out two nights in a row. I wish he’d go tomorrow when I believe I will be okay being alone for one evening.

Tonight, we’re meeting Greg and Madighan nearby at Pizza Luce at 5:00 pm since we haven’t seen them in a few weeks. They were on vacation, and then, when they returned…I was in hospital. I explained that none of the family needed to visit me. Tom stayed with me day and night until they kicked him out when visiting hours ended.

How am I holding up emotionally? Actually, we both are our usual cheerful selves, with no whining or complaining about this situation. We plan to maintain this attitude going forward, even after our medical appointments at Cleveland Clinic. We both know a positive attitude can impact one’s health outcome, and there’s no way we’re going down the self-pitying or whinging route.

Over the years, we’ve met many seniors who’ve experienced life-threatening illnesses and, when the crisis was under control, were still able to spend time in Marloth Park. Such joy and pleasure most assuredly impacts one’s recovery from illness. As soon as the weather cools, we’ll be back on our way.

Knowing we’ll be returning to my favorite place in the world is a wonderful means of maintaining a positive outlook. I’ve always told Tom if I knew in advance that “my number was up,” there is nowhere in the world I’d rather spend my final days than with him at my side in the bush, drinking red wine, listening to Andrea Bocelli on YouTube through our portable speaker and watching our beloved wildlife friends come to visit.

Of course, seeing our wonderful friends in Marloth Park would be a great joy. We can’t wait to see them all again.

But sometimes, life is harsh, and we don’t have the opportunity to create the perfect scenario for our final days. Those dreams can only remain in one’s mind and heart while facing fate.

Yesterday, I received an email from friends we met at the Mugg and Bean gift shop in Lower Sabie, South Africa, who later ended up renting from Louise. Right now, Les and Jerry are staying in the Ratel house, where we always have stayed in the past several years.

They, too, have named their favorite visitors a plethora of delightful human names, as we had done in years past. When Les explained that Norman has been visiting several times a day, my heart skipped a beat. I can’t wait to see Norman once again!

Life isn’t always easy for retirees, whether living in a home in a familiar location or being on the move, as is our lifestyle. We’re not giving up our world travels and pray that we will return to traveling the world soon.

Thanks for your continuing support and interest in following along with us. Every one of our readers means the world to us!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 31, 2014:

It was a travel day ten years ago, and no posts were uploaded.

Tom’s railroad guys get together…Worldwide traveler stats and lifestyle for those living without a home…

From left to right: Dale, Tom, and Jon.
Today’s photos are from a get-together of retired guys who worked with Tom at BNSF during his 42½-year tenure. Thus, the images are not related to today’s post. 

The life of a world traveler, especially one living without a permanent home, is a unique blend of freedom, adventure, and, often, unpredictability. These individuals, usually called digital nomads, perpetual travelers, or global wanderers, embrace a lifestyle that allows them to explore the world while remotely maintaining their work or personal projects. This essay delves into the statistics surrounding world travelers who live without a home, exploring their demographics, motivations, challenges, and the impact of this lifestyle on their well-being and the global economy.

The number of digital nomads and perpetual travelers has steadily increased over the past decade. According to a 2020 report by MBO Partners, there were approximately 10.9 million digital nomads in the United States alone, reflecting a significant rise from previous years. Globally, the figure is estimated to be much higher, with millions more embracing this lifestyle in Europe, Asia, and other regions. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including technological advancements, increased remote work opportunities, and a growing desire for a more flexible and fulfilling lifestyle.

Digital nomads tend to be younger, with the majority falling within the 25-44 age range. A survey conducted by FlexJobs in 2021 found that 42% of digital nomads were millennials (ages 25-40), while 19% were Generation X (ages 41-56). However, this lifestyle is not limited to younger generations; there is a notable presence of older travelers, including retirees, who also take advantage of the freedom and opportunities of a mobile lifestyle.

The guys got together for a group photo as Tom drove up to the restaurant.

The motivations behind choosing a nomadic lifestyle vary widely among individuals. For many, the primary driver is the desire for freedom and adventure. The ability to explore new cultures, learn new languages, and experience diverse environments is a significant allure. Additionally, the flexibility to work from anywhere allows individuals to craft a lifestyle that prioritizes personal well-being and work-life balance.

Economic factors also play a crucial role. The cost of living can be significantly lower in certain parts of the world compared to major urban centers in developed countries. For instance, living in Southeast Asia, Latin America, or Eastern Europe can provide a high quality of life at a fraction of the cost. This financial advantage enables travelers to save money, invest in their passions, or extend their travels indefinitely. For us, living in the bush in South Africa for extended periods has been so affordable that it has enabled us to spend more in other, more costly countries.

Despite the many benefits, living without a permanent home presents unique challenges. One of the most significant hurdles is maintaining a stable income. While remote work opportunities have increased, not all digital nomads have steady employment or freelance work, leading to financial instability. According to the same FlexJobs survey, 34% of digital nomads cited finding remote work opportunities as a primary challenge. Fortunately, we don’t require additional employment to support our world travels.

Another significant issue is the lack of a stable support network. Moving from one place to another can make building and maintaining meaningful relationships challenging. This transient lifestyle can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can impact mental health. Again, we have been fortunate to make friends worldwide, and with our close relationship, we never feel loneliness becomes an issue.

Most had the buffet, but Tom waited to eat homemade pizza when he returned to the hotel.

Additionally, navigating different healthcare systems in various countries can be complex and expensive, adding another layer of stress. We’ve covered this topic in many posts. The most imperative things are a quality travel insurance plan and easy access to quality medical care, especially for those with medical conditions that may need intervention.

Logistics can also be challenging. Visas and legal regulations for long-term stays vary significantly between countries, requiring travelers to manage and plan their movements continuously. Access to reliable internet is another critical factor, as it directly impacts the ability to work remotely. While many countries offer good connectivity, there are still areas where internet access is unreliable or expensive.

The impact of a nomadic lifestyle on well-being is multifaceted. On one hand, the freedom to explore new places and cultures can lead to greater life satisfaction and personal growth. Many digital nomads report higher levels of happiness and fulfillment than their previous lifestyles. The ability to escape the confines of a traditional office and live in inspiring environments can boost creativity and productivity.

On the other hand, the lack of stability and the challenges associated with constant travel can negatively impact mental and physical health. The stress of financial uncertainty, difficulty forming lasting relationships, and the logistical challenges of travel can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Digital nomads must find a balance and establish routines supporting their well-being.

Economically, digital nomads contribute to the global economy by spending money in various countries, supporting local businesses, and often investing in local real estate. Some countries, recognizing the economic benefits, have started offering special visas and incentives to attract digital nomads, not necessarily to retired travelers.

World travelers living without a home represent a growing and dynamic demographic reshaping traditional notions of work and lifestyle. While the freedom and adventure associated with this lifestyle are appealing, it also comes with challenges. Understanding the statistics and trends surrounding digital nomads helps to illuminate the motivations and hurdles they face, as well as their impact on the global economy and their well-being. As the world continues to evolve, the lifestyle of nomads is likely to become increasingly mainstream, offering valuable insights into the future of work and travel.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 12, 2014:

Tom was getting a haircut in Ribeira Brava, Madeira, Portugal. For more photos, please click here.

How long can you live outside the US before losing social security?…

The church in Campanario, Madeira, Portugal, wasn’t far from our holiday home.

We are often asked, “How long can we live outside the US before losing social security?” This question is often asked while on cruises where we spend considerable time in the presence of other senior citizens.

We’ve always known the answer since we checked on this long before we began our worldwide travels, giving us peace of mind, but we thought about checking it out 12 years later to see if anything had changed on this topic. It has not. Today, we’re talking about two situations:

  1. Permanently living outside the US
  2. Travel to foreign countries but return periodically to the US as we do; thus, we aren’t permanent residents of any country other than the US

Today, I stumbled upon the following article bringing this topic to light as follows from this site:

“How Long Can You Live Abroad Before Losing Social Security?

If you plan to retire abroad, here’s what to know about receiving Social Security benefits. By

While Social Security is a U.S. program, foreign citizens can qualify for Social Security benefits if they have a work history in the United States.

Key Takeaways

  • U.S. retirees can receive Social Security benefits while living abroad, with some exceptions.
  • There is no time limit on how long a person can live outside the country and receive benefits.
  • Foreign citizens with a U.S. work history may qualify for Social Security benefits under certain agreements.
  • Social Security payments can be deposited directly into a foreign bank account.

The United States attracts people from across the world who seek to live out the American dream. In some cases, Americans are leaving for other parts of the globe to enjoy a different pace of life.

For retirees, the appeal may be a lower cost of living, new adventures, and less expensive health care. However, some may hesitate to leave, worried they will lose their Social Security benefits. Fortunately, the good news is that U.S. citizens can, with few exceptions, continue to receive benefits regardless of where they live.

The Social Security Administration pays out about $6.1 billion in benefits annually to 760,000 beneficiaries outside the United]States, according to 2022 data from the U.S. Department of State.

“If people are planning to do this, they need to do some homework beforehand,” said Tim McGrath, managing partner of Chicago-based Riverpoint Wealth Management, in an email.

Before you book a one-way ticket to your favorite retirement destination, understand government rules for Social Security payments to expats.

Whether U.S. citizens can receive Social Security while living overseas has an easy answer.

“Definitely. They can receive benefits abroad. That’s not a problem,” said Matthew Allen, co-founder and CEO of Social Security Advisors, a firm that helps clients maximize Social Security benefits, in an email.

There is no time limit on how long a person can live outside the country and receive benefits. They will continue indefinitely while proof of life documents are signed and returned. Known formally as the report to the United States Social Security Administration, Form SSA-7162 is two pages long and asks about changes to a person’s residency and marital status, among other things. Depending on a person’s age and country of residence, the forms may be mailed annually or biannually.

However, living abroad doesn’t absolve a retiree from the responsibility of filing a U.S. tax return annually. Just as with U.S.-based retirees, a portion of a person’s Social Security benefits may be taxable if their annual combined income exceeds certain thresholds.

And if a person has a foreign pension, their Social Security benefits may be reduced due to the windfall elimination provision. Retirees can use the Social Security Administration’s Windfall Elimination Screening Tool for Foreign Pensions to see if this applies to their situation.

U.S. citizens can move practically anywhere and receive Social Security payments, but some exceptions exist. Currently, payments cannot be received by those living in the following countries:

  • Azerbaijan.
  • Belarus.
  • Cuba.
  • Kazakhstan.
  • Kyrgyzstan.
  • North Korea.
  • Tajikistan.
  • Turkmenistan.
  • Uzbekistan.

“It doesn’t mean you’re not going to get that money,” McGrath said. “You’re not going to get it in that country.”
Once you move somewhere where payments can be made, you will receive the money that was withheld while you were residing in these countries. The exception is for foreign citizens living in Cuba and North Korea. They will not receive any payments for the time they were in these countries.”

Of course, the above may not apply to those permanently living outside the US. If they have a place of residence in the US and receive your social security benefits paid by direct deposit to your US bank account, that may be a different situation. Please check with the US government, an accountant, or a financial advisor who deals with such situations.

None of this applies to us without permanent residence in another country. We are US citizens and residents able to travel back and forth to any country we choose, always returning to the US to our state of residence.

That’s it for today, folks. We hope this clarifies a few questions you may have if you’re considering living abroad.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, July 7, 2014:

Celebrity was our favorite cruise line at the time we booked this cruise. We now prefer the smaller Azamara. We sailed on this ship for 14 nights, beginning on January 5, 2016, and ending on January 19, 2016. Built in 2008, it’s rated 5.5 stars of a possible six stars. For more photos, please click here.

Fun lunch date today…..

The craggy shoreline in Madeira, Portugal.

Two of my three grandchildren have driver’s licenses and can pick me up. Today, grandson Miles, 16, and I have a lunch date, just the two of us. I’m flattered that a 16-year-old boy looks forward to lunch with his grandma. I didn’t want Tom to have to drive 20 minutes each way twice to handle my transportation, so this works perfectly. Plus, he is still recovering from the virus, and although not contagious, it’s best he stays in and continues to rest.

Today, while at Champps Bar and Grill with Miles, I’ll order a to-go meal for Tom for tonight’s dinner, which he can reheat later. After the big Cobb salad I always order at Champps, I’ll make myself an omelet for dinner with a green salad on the side.

I am still coughing but feel fine otherwise. But the coughing is outrageous, although it’s not as bad as it was. Hopefully, we’ll both be better in a few days and go to Billy’s on Friday afternoon with Tom’s siblings, whom we haven’t seen in a few weeks since our last buck euchre marathon.

The weather in Minnesota has been awful since we arrived six weeks ago. Most days, it’s cloudy, rainy, and humid, if not cold and drizzly. We’ve hardly had time to enjoy the outdoors. Yesterday, there were tornado and heavy storm warnings all day and evening.

Is it 66F, 19C, with rain starting at 2:00 pm? Rain is predicted through Saturday, but next week, if accurate so far ahead, is supposed to warm up into the 80s. Hopefully, by the 4th of July, the weather will improve for many outdoor activities planned on this date every year. We have no plans for the 4th, but we shall wait and see what our kids plan for the holiday weekend.

If they have no plans, we’ll be fine, as we’ve been for several years. We can easily entertain ourselves regardless of the occasion. Neither of us is interested in fighting traffic and crowds to watch fireworks unless a family event warrants it. We shall “play it by ear” as always. Our adult kids tend to plan things at the last minute, which is OK with us. But old-timers like us tend to make plans well in advance.

It baffles me why most retirees like us prefer to plan well ahead of any occasion. Then again, Tom and I have always been “planners.” In part, I love the anticipation of an upcoming event. The perfectionist Tom finds comfort in knowing the schedule well in advance.

We all have our unique peculiarities that make us who we are. It is the acceptance of one another’s preferences that provides for harmonious relationships. Tom and I are very different in many ways. We see the world differently but accept these differences as part of how this relationship works.

“They” say “opposites attract,” which is so true in our case. We are often shocked by how our opinions may vary in countless situations, but somehow, over the years, we’ve learned to get along when discussing differences to avoid frequent disharmony. In most relationships that don’t last, each party fails to accept the differing views in many aspects of life, which may sometimes be as insignificant as how to load the dishwasher to such significant issues as managing money.

We both cherish harmony, and with that in mind, we can negotiate or, in some cases, merely agree to disagree.

That’s it for today, folks. I am off to lunch with Miles.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, June 19, 2014:

Judite, our cleaning person in Madeira, told me this morning that this is “pera abacata” which translates to avocado. For more photos, please click here.

Quiet in Robert’s Resort as “snowbirds” leave for the summer…Who are these people?

We walked quite a distance to this restaurant in Marrakesh for lunch instead of dinner since it was safer to walk during the day. Tom was reading something on the wall as we sat on a banquette. The food was fantastic.

We often wonder about snowbirds who head south or to other locations during the winter months to escape snow and cold weather in northern locations throughout the world. This phenomenon is not exclusive to retirees when many jobs are mobile and can be performed from anywhere in the world if the still-working snowbirds can afford the cost of having two homes or more.

Many retired snowbirds have paid off their homes and only have the expenses of property taxes, maintenance in their absence, and utilities, making it more affordable to head to a warmer climate during the winter months. See below.

Average temperatures in summer in Arizona
Month Average high Average low
June 106°F 73°F
July 108°F 81°F
August 106°F 81°F
September 100°F 75°F

We’ve especially observed this here in Arizona, as we see not only the family returning to Minnesota in the next three weeks but also the fact that many of the residents of Robert’s Resort have already left to return to homes in the US, Canada, and other locations. Few residents of this RV park stay behind during the heat of Arizona summers, running  as high as

In searching online for statistics to share, I found the following from this site:

“The Migratory Processes of Snowbirds: Where They Come From and End Up

Snowbird Travelers: America’s Seasonal Flock

Each year, flocks of “snowbirds” travel cross-country in search of warmth and respite from cold winter temperatures. These snowbirds, however, are not actual birds of a feather; rather, snowbirds are people who identify as seasonal travelers.

So, who are these snowbirds, where do they come from, and where do they end up? Read on to learn about the migratory patterns of our nation’s seasonal travelers.

Snowbird Origins

The origins of the term “snowbird” do, in fact, tie to a species: the Dark-eyed Junco bird. But in 1923, the word “snowbird” was coined to describe droves of seasonal workers who moved south in the winter in search of additional work and income. Today, these snowbirds and seasonal travelers are largely retirees who migrate annually to warmer climates during the year’s winter months.

Snowbird Demographics: Who Are These Travelers?

The snowbird population consists primarily of baby boomers, adults born in the years following World War II. With the majority of snowbirds between the ages of 50 and 70, this generation is well-educated, financially secure, and active — a solid foundation for the snowbird lifestyle of adventure and migration.

Another snowbird demographic: many are Canadians. While most snowbirds alternate between two destinations within the United States, about 10% of snowbirds reside permanently outside of the United States. Nearly 80% of the international snowbirds actually come from Canada.

Migratory Patterns: Where Are All These Snowbirds Headed?

Despite common beliefs that all snowbirds flock to sunny Florida, snowbirds actually settle all over the United States. Migratory patterns resolve in places including Las Vegas, California, and Hawaii. However, snowbirds do tend to follow two primary trajectories: west coast birds fly to Arizona, and east coast birds sail on towards Florida.

New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania residents escape cold winters by spending three to six months of the year in Florida. Towns like New Smyrna Beach, Florida’s Secret Pearl, is an affordable snowbird destination along Florida’s artsy east coast. Luxurious lakefront homes in New Smyrna, such as this one, are drawing snowbirds with price tags around the $300,000 range.

Upper-left US residents are primarily drawn to Arizona. Tucson, in particular, attracts a large snowbird population each year. Sited at a lower elevation in comparison to other Arizona towns, Tucson boasts warmer (and more predictable) winter temperatures. With a mix of RV parks, long-term condominium rentals, and fully furnished homes, Tucson offers snowbirds a warm respite that balances urban and rural life.

What Drives Snowbird Flight?

Aside from the advantageous weather situation, what draws snowbirds away from their primary homes and established routines? The snowbird lifestyle is more than just a retirement hobby; snowbird living centers on practicality.

As people age, winter weather conditions pose serious concerns: a slip on the ice becomes highly dangerous; maintaining a clear path to a front door in several feet of snow is too straining; and the low-temperature limits outdoor lifestyle and health routines like walking and bike riding. By migrating to a warmer climate, snowbirds avoid harsh winter climates and seek environments where they can avoid injuries and maintain healthy habits.

The community also drives snowbirds to their warmer homes. Early snowbirds often start as vacationers, but most eventually evolve into flocks. Established groups of friends and family band together and find communities with similar ethnic, cultural, or religious groups existing within many snowbird communities. Snowbirds are, in fact, continuing to build life with one another.

Dispelling Snowbird Myths

Younger generations of established community groups may see snowbirds as disruptions to the local economy, as mere tourists, or as another form of inconvenience. But it’s time to dispel these myths.

Snowbirds are trying new places on a whim: Wrong. Visits turn into established patterns, and each visit requires careful planning and thought: winterizing your primary home, packing and securing insurance documents, resisting a change of address, ordering long-term medications… the list goes on!

Snowbirds are burdens on the local economy: False. If anything, snowbirds are major contributors to the local economy. Look at Palm Beach County as an example: in addition to the county’s standing 1,335,415 residents, annual snowbirds bring an additional 143,837 residents with an estimated financial impact in the billions.

Snowbirds, Take Flight!

Whether or not you’re in a stage of life where being a snowbird is a realistic pattern for you, snowbird migration offers health, community, and economic benefits to people and areas across the country. Is snowbird migration in your future? Visit a warmer state this winter, listen to those who have made the journey, and who knows, before you know it, homes.com could help you find your winter home.”

There’s no doubt that had we not traveled the world, we surely would have become snowbirds. There was no way we would have been interested in staying in Minnesota during the winter months when the temperatures can get as low as -20F, with many feet of snow covering the ground at any given time. Summers can be hot and humid with vast amounts of mosquitoes.

What brings snowbirds back to states like Minnesota when the summers aren’t ideal either? Mainly to be with family and also to enjoy outdoor activities, especially because Minnesota has over 14,000 lakes, drawing many people to partake in fishing, hunting, boating, and other outdoor adventures.

In any case, we love the life we’ve been living over the past 11½ years, and hopefully, we’ll be able to continue traveling in times to come.

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, April 17, 2014:

Tom was getting his haircut in the barbershop in the souk in Marrakesh, Morocco. For more photos, please click here.

Tom’s new laptop is ready to use…Another fun evening of playing cards…

It was pleasant to see so many flowers blooming in the desert.

Tom’s laptop is done. Since he didn’t want to carry over “junk” from his last laptop, I loaded every item separately without using Google’s transfer tool. Over the years, he decided he didn’t want to keep many old and useless files that invariably get carried over using any transfer tool.

That’s why I took so long to give him a clean start. He wanted to save some items, but they are on two clouds, Dropbox and Google Drive. This way, his Windows desktop is uncluttered and easy to manage with a fresh start. This allows his device to operate more efficiently and gives him ease of use.

Overall, it took me about eight hours to complete the process while he helped by sending links to website pages he uses regularly. Now, as needed, he can add folders that will automatically save on Google Drive.

Windows includes a browser that neither of us cares to use, Microsoft Edge. Removing this browser from the laptop is difficult when we prefer to use Google Chrome. Microsoft has made it nearly impossible to eliminate Edge, so we make Google Chrome the default browser. At times, Edge seems to pop up. It’s Microsoft’s way of ensuring its Windows users also use their browser to make more money.

Undoubtedly, Google Chrome is a money maker for Google, but since we can choose our preferred browser, we operate with the one we like, regardless of who’s making money from our use. All browsers are money-makers for companies. Who are we to complain when we also have advertisers on our site? It’s the nature of the beast. We’re “small potatoes” in the realm of things.

We don’t make much from our ads on our site and YouTube. Why? We haven’t promoted our advertisers since that’s a job we didn’t want to include in our life of world travels. Nor did we hound our readers to use the links on our site. However, we kindly ask that you consider using some of our advertisers when making purchases.

By using our advertisers, we make enough money to cover the costs associated with the operation and management of our website. The links have the same products and services as you’d find if you go directly to the sites from your browser. It costs you no more, and small amounts of revenue are sent our way to cover our costs. Thank you to our readers who use our advertisers! It’s so appreciated!

Last night, we sliced some ham and cheese and brought it to Colleen’s unit for snacking while playing cards. Tom had gone to lunch and wasn’t ready to eat a full dinner before we headed to her place. I had nibbled on a few healthy items during the day and was fine without making dinner.

Today, I’m bringing a huge batch of chicken salad and a green salad to one of the sister’s park model when we gather again this afternoon. Another family member, brother-in-law Tom (Rita’s husband), arrived late last night. Now, there are eight of us for the next few days until Mary and Eugene head back to Minnesota for a funeral, where they’ll stay for the summer, returning to Apache Junction late next fall.

We don’t know how they can keep up two houses, as many retirees do, to get away from cold winter weather up north and other areas in the US with inclement weather in the winter months. We love not having the upkeep on one house, let alone two or more. It provides us with so much freedom.

Have a great Tuesday!

Be well.

Photo from ten years ago today, April 16, 2014:

At the Terrasses des Espices Restaurant in Morocco, we were served this black olive Tapenade, which I could eat along with a basket of bread for Tom. Notice the ashtray on the table. Smoking is allowed in restaurants. For more photos, please click here.